Send email for new threads and new posts on existing threads
Forums / SmartComponent Library - Enhancement Requests / Send email for new threads and new posts on existing threads

Send email for new threads and new posts on existing threads

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. Carl Verbiest
    Carl Verbiest avatar
    67 posts
    12 Oct 2018
    09 Jan 2019
    Link to this post
    Although I'm subscribed to new threads I do not see any mails for new threads or replies to existing ones in the developer forum.
    This reduces the usability of the forum compared to Jira / Servicedesk where updates are mailed.
  2. Roger Blanchard
    Roger Blanchard avatar
    400 posts
    29 Jun 2018
    09 Jan 2019 in reply to Carl Verbiest
    Link to this post
    I believe Radu is working on that.

    I posted a question on it.

2 posts, 0 answered